Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
16.30 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Grouped Statements
Time▼ | Count | Info |
7.72 ms (47.40%) |
2 |
SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.oscar_rocket AS oscar_rocket_1, p0_.id_oscar_rocket AS id_oscar_rocket_2, p0_.alias AS alias_3, p0_.position AS position_4, p0_.authorization_api AS authorization_api_5, p0_.actif_home AS actif_home_6, p0_.post_archive AS post_archive_7, p0_.date_archive AS date_archive_8, p0_.image AS image_9, p0_.url_video AS url_video_10, p0_.image_bandeau AS image_bandeau_11, p0_.image_bandeau_height AS image_bandeau_height_12, p0_.image_couverture AS image_couverture_13, p0_.tag_managerhead AS tag_managerhead_14, p0_.tag_managerbody AS tag_managerbody_15, p0_.default_categorie AS default_categorie_16, p0_.date_publication AS date_publication_17, p0_.date_import AS date_import_18, p0_.created_at AS created_at_19, p0_.updated_at AS updated_at_20, p0_.date_update_ref AS date_update_ref_21, p0_.id_activite AS id_activite_22, p0_.id_sous_activite AS id_sous_activite_23, p0_.id_secteur AS id_secteur_24, p0_.type_page_ref AS type_page_ref_25, p0_.disponibilite_produit AS disponibilite_produit_26, p0_.prix_produit AS prix_produit_27, p0_.referance_produit AS referance_produit_28, p0_.position_image AS position_image_29, p0_.id_import_categorie_old AS id_import_categorie_old_30, p0_.old_id_import AS old_id_import_31, p0_.module_import AS module_import_32, p0_.posts_associes AS posts_associes_33, p0_.posts_associes_autres_types AS posts_associes_autres_types_34, p0_.data_module_biens AS data_module_biens_35, p0_.tags AS tags_36, p0_.custom_style AS custom_style_37, p0_.author_id AS author_id_38, p0_.type_post AS type_post_39, p0_.template_cms_id AS template_cms_id_40, p0_.modele_gallerie_id AS modele_gallerie_id_41 FROM post p0_ INNER JOIN post_translation p1_ ON p0_.id = p1_.translatable_id WHERE p1_.locale = ? AND (p0_.date_publication IS NULL OR p0_.date_publication <= ?) AND p1_.slug = ?
[ "fr" "2025-01-21 09:12:42" "Home" ] |
1.84 ms (11.32%) |
2 |
[] |
0.98 ms (6.01%) |
18 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif_replace_mot_cle AS actif_replace_mot_cle_2, t0.actif_bar_serach AS actif_bar_serach_3, t0.actif_bloc AS actif_bloc_4, t0.actif_oscar AS actif_oscar_5, t0.actif_data_hrz AS actif_data_hrz_6, t0.actif_titre AS actif_titre_7, t0.email_site AS email_site_8, t0.image AS image_9, t0.lien_carte AS lien_carte_10, t0.apercu_image_lien AS apercu_image_lien_11, t0.image_header AS image_header_12, t0.image_footer AS image_footer_13, t0.image_bandeau AS image_bandeau_14, t0.tel AS tel_15, t0.image_vide AS image_vide_16, t0.maintenance AS maintenance_17, t0.htaccess_val AS htaccess_val_18, t0.meta_index AS meta_index_19, t0.meta_follow AS meta_follow_20, t0.robots AS robots_21, t0.analytics AS analytics_22, t0.cle_key AS cle_key_23, t0.cle_secret AS cle_secret_24, t0.tag_managerhead AS tag_managerhead_25, t0.meta_keywords AS meta_keywords_26, t0.cle_map AS cle_map_27, t0.active_smtp AS active_smtp_28, t0.email_from AS email_from_29, t0.email_sender AS email_sender_30, t0.host_smtp AS host_smtp_31, t0.type_cryptage AS type_cryptage_32, t0.port_tls AS port_tls_33, t0.port_ssl AS port_ssl_34, t0.smtp_user AS smtp_user_35, t0.smtp_pass AS smtp_pass_36, t0.typeLienErrorPage AS typeLienErrorPage_37, t0.lienExterneErrorPage AS lienExterneErrorPage_38, t0.telephoneErrorPage AS telephoneErrorPage_39, t0.domain_api_hrz AS domain_api_hrz_40, t0.token_api_hrz AS token_api_hrz_41, t0.actif_auth_gmail AS actif_auth_gmail_42, t0.id_client_auth AS id_client_auth_43, t0.secret_client_auth AS secret_client_auth_44, t0.id_matomo AS id_matomo_45, t0.code_head AS code_head_46, t0.code_body AS code_body_47, t0.google_verification AS google_verification_48, t0.type_recaptcha AS type_recaptcha_49, t0.actif_whatsapp AS actif_whatsapp_50, t0.tel_whatsapp AS tel_whatsapp_51, t0.header_color_whatsapp AS header_color_whatsapp_52, t0.generation_static_header_footer AS generation_static_header_footer_53, t0.IdSite AS IdSite_54 FROM parametre_site t0 WHERE t0.IdSite = ? LIMIT 1
0.53 ms (3.23%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.is_deleted AS is_deleted_2, t0.form_builder AS form_builder_3, t0.site AS site_4, t0.name AS name_5, t0.image AS image_6, t0.type_form AS type_form_7, t0.alt_image AS alt_image_8, t0.methode AS methode_9, t0.identifier AS identifier_10, t0.email_template AS email_template_11, t0.form_template AS form_template_12, t0.email_subject AS email_subject_13, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_14, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_15, t0.nbr_visit AS nbr_visit_16 FROM forms t0 WHERE t0.id = ? LIMIT 1
0.52 ms (3.21%) |
16 |
SELECT t0.actif AS actif_1, t0.id AS id_2, t0.backgound_color AS backgound_color_3, t0.color AS color_4, t0.color_hover AS color_hover_5, t0.type_lien AS type_lien_6, t0.lien_interne AS lien_interne_7, t0.lien_externe AS lien_externe_8, t0.telephone AS telephone_9, t0.position AS position_10, t0.created_at AS created_at_11, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_12 FROM param_publicite t0 WHERE t0.actif = ? AND t0.id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 1 1 ] |
0.46 ms (2.81%) |
12 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif AS actif_2, t0.Titre AS Titre_3, t0.SousTitre AS SousTitre_4, t0.Url AS Url_5, t0.target AS target_6, t0.locale AS locale_7, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_8 FROM menu_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.41 ms (2.54%) |
3 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.id_module AS id_module_2, t0.type_module AS type_module_3, t0.old AS old_4, t0.new AS new_5, t0.active AS active_6, t0.lien_externe AS lien_externe_7, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_8, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_9, t0.locale AS locale_10, t0.IdSite AS IdSite_11 FROM redirection t0 WHERE t0.old = ? AND t0.active = ? LIMIT 1
[ "/" 1 ] |
0.38 ms (2.32%) |
2 |
UPDATE forms SET nbr_visit = ?, DateModification = ? WHERE id = ?
[ 4882 "2025-01-21 09:12:43" 6 ] |
0.26 ms (1.61%) |
8 |
SELECT u0_.slug AS slug_0, u1_.type AS type_1, u1_.id_module AS id_module_2 FROM url_post u1_ INNER JOIN url_post_translation u0_ ON u1_.id = u0_.translatable_id WHERE u1_.id = ? AND u0_.locale = ?
[ "453" "fr" ] |
0.26 ms (1.61%) |
8 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.sub_title AS sub_title_3, t0.content AS content_4, t0.titre_lien AS titre_lien_5, t0.type_lien AS type_lien_6, t0.lien_interne AS lien_interne_7, t0.lien_externe AS lien_externe_8, t0.telephone AS telephone_9, t0.locale AS locale_10, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_11 FROM bloc_service_items_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.23 ms (1.41%) |
3 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif AS actif_2, t0.actif_slider AS actif_slider_3, t0.position_text AS position_text_4, t0.alias AS alias_5, t0.nombre_article AS nombre_article_6, t0.bg_image AS bg_image_7, t0.color AS color_8, t0.color_texte AS color_texte_9, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_10, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_11, t0.multi_affichage AS multi_affichage_12, t0.IdPostAffichage AS IdPostAffichage_13 FROM bloc_service t0 WHERE t0.actif = ? AND t0.alias = ? LIMIT 1
[ 1 "btn_header" ] |
0.19 ms (1.19%) |
6 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.category_id AS category_id_2, t0.post_id AS post_id_3 FROM post_category t0 WHERE t0.post_id = ? ORDER BY t0.id ASC LIMIT 1
0.16 ms (0.99%) |
3 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.titre_categorie AS titre_categorie_2, t0.show_resume AS show_resume_3, t0.titre_categorie_from_menu AS titre_categorie_from_menu_4, t0.slug_url AS slug_url_5, t0.old_slug AS old_slug_6, t0.chapeau_categorie AS chapeau_categorie_7, t0.texte_categorie AS texte_categorie_8, t0.texte_categorie2 AS texte_categorie2_9, t0.meta_title AS meta_title_10, t0.meta_description AS meta_description_11, t0.meta_keywords AS meta_keywords_12, t0.canonical AS canonical_13, t0.settig_metaTitle AS settig_metaTitle_14, t0.settig_metaTitle1 AS settig_metaTitle1_15, t0.settig_metaTitle2 AS settig_metaTitle2_16, t0.settig_metaTitle3 AS settig_metaTitle3_17, t0.settig_metaTitle_post AS settig_metaTitle_post_18, t0.settig_metaDesc AS settig_metaDesc_19, t0.settig_metaDesc1 AS settig_metaDesc1_20, t0.settig_metaDesc2 AS settig_metaDesc2_21, t0.settig_metaDesc3 AS settig_metaDesc3_22, t0.settig_metaDesc_post AS settig_metaDesc_post_23, t0.titre_lien AS titre_lien_24, t0.type_lien AS type_lien_25, t0.lien_interne AS lien_interne_26, t0.lien_externe AS lien_externe_27, t0.telephone AS telephone_28, t0.alt_image AS alt_image_29, t0.alt_image_bandeau AS alt_image_bandeau_30, t0.titre_affichage_categorie AS titre_affichage_categorie_31, t0.locale AS locale_32, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_33 FROM category_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.16 ms (0.96%) |
4 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif AS actif_2, t0.actif_slider AS actif_slider_3, t0.position_text AS position_text_4, t0.alias AS alias_5, t0.nombre_article AS nombre_article_6, t0.bg_image AS bg_image_7, t0.color AS color_8, t0.color_texte AS color_texte_9, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_10, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_11, t0.multi_affichage AS multi_affichage_12, t0.IdPostAffichage AS IdPostAffichage_13 FROM bloc_service t0 WHERE t0.actif = ? AND t0.id = ? LIMIT 1
[ 1 2 ] |
0.15 ms (0.95%) |
3 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif AS actif_2, t0.actif_haut AS actif_haut_3, t0.position AS position_4, t0.position_text AS position_text_5, t0.nombre_article AS nombre_article_6, t0.actif_slider AS actif_slider_7, t0.pagination AS pagination_8, t0.page_size AS page_size_9, t0.order_by AS order_by_10, t0.fixe_texte AS fixe_texte_11, t0.image AS image_12, t0.image_bandeau AS image_bandeau_13, t0.url_video AS url_video_14, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_15, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_16, t0.IdParent AS IdParent_17, t0.IdSousParent AS IdSousParent_18, t0.tag_managerhead AS tag_managerhead_19, t0.meta_keywords AS meta_keywords_20, t0.meta_robots AS meta_robots_21, t0.multi_affichage AS multi_affichage_22, t0.id_import_categorie AS id_import_categorie_23, t0.date_import AS date_import_24, t0.tags AS tags_25, t0.custom_style AS custom_style_26, t0.IdSite AS IdSite_27, t0.id_type_post AS id_type_post_28, t0.IdPostAffichage AS IdPostAffichage_29, t0.modele_gallerie_id AS modele_gallerie_id_30 FROM category t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
0.13 ms (0.81%) |
3 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif AS actif_2, t0.show_resume AS show_resume_3, t0.title AS title_4, t0.title_affichage AS title_affichage_5, t0.slug AS slug_6, t0.old_slug AS old_slug_7, t0.summary AS summary_8, t0.content AS content_9, t0.content2 AS content2_10, t0.meta_title AS meta_title_11, t0.meta_description AS meta_description_12, t0.meta_keys AS meta_keys_13, t0.script_sc AS script_sc_14, t0.breadcrumb AS breadcrumb_15, t0.canonical AS canonical_16, t0.meta_robots AS meta_robots_17, t0.settig_metaTitle AS settig_metaTitle_18, t0.settig_metaDesc AS settig_metaDesc_19, t0.traduite AS traduite_20, t0.image_alt AS image_alt_21, t0.image_bandeau_alt AS image_bandeau_alt_22, t0.image_couverture_alt AS image_couverture_alt_23, t0.titre_lien AS titre_lien_24, t0.type_lien AS type_lien_25, t0.lien_interne AS lien_interne_26, t0.lien_externe AS lien_externe_27, t0.telephone AS telephone_28, t0.data_champs_personalizer AS data_champs_personalizer_29, t0.locale AS locale_30, t0.export_traductions_id AS export_traductions_id_31, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_32 FROM post_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.12 ms (0.74%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.couleur_text_btn AS couleur_text_btn_2, t0.couleur_text_btn_hover AS couleur_text_btn_hover_3, t0.couleur_btn AS couleur_btn_4, t0.couleur_btn_hover AS couleur_btn_hover_5, t0.bg_body AS bg_body_6, t0.couleur_body AS couleur_body_7, t0.couleur_generale AS couleur_generale_8, t0.couleur_secondaire AS couleur_secondaire_9, t0.couleur_troisieme AS couleur_troisieme_10, t0.typo_body AS typo_body_11, t0.style_typo_body AS style_typo_body_12, t0.font_size_typo_body AS font_size_typo_body_13, t0.typo_body_secondaire AS typo_body_secondaire_14, t0.style_typo_body_secondaire AS style_typo_body_secondaire_15, t0.font_size_typo_body_secondaire AS font_size_typo_body_secondaire_16, t0.typo_menu AS typo_menu_17, t0.style_typo_menu AS style_typo_menu_18, t0.font_size_menu AS font_size_menu_19, t0.typo_titre AS typo_titre_20, t0.style_typo_titre AS style_typo_titre_21, t0.font_size_titre AS font_size_titre_22, t0.typo_sous_titre AS typo_sous_titre_23, t0.style_typo_sous_titre AS style_typo_sous_titre_24, t0.font_size_sous_titre AS font_size_sous_titre_25, t0.typo_h1 AS typo_h1_26, t0.style_typo_h1 AS style_typo_h1_27, t0.font_size_h1 AS font_size_h1_28, t0.typo_h2 AS typo_h2_29, t0.style_typo_h2 AS style_typo_h2_30, t0.font_size_h2 AS font_size_h2_31, t0.typo_h3 AS typo_h3_32, t0.style_typo_h3 AS style_typo_h3_33, t0.font_size_h3 AS font_size_h3_34, t0.typo_h4 AS typo_h4_35, t0.style_typo_h4 AS style_typo_h4_36, t0.font_size_h4 AS font_size_h4_37, t0.typo_h5 AS typo_h5_38, t0.style_typo_h5 AS style_typo_h5_39, t0.font_size_h5 AS font_size_h5_40, t0.typo_h6 AS typo_h6_41, t0.style_typo_h6 AS style_typo_h6_42, t0.font_size_h6 AS font_size_h6_43, t0.theme AS theme_44, t0.header_style AS header_style_45, t0.footer_style AS footer_style_46, t0.header_bg_color AS header_bg_color_47, t0.header_top_bg_color AS header_top_bg_color_48, t0.header_text_color AS header_text_color_49, t0.header_text_color_hover AS header_text_color_hover_50, t0.header_home_text_color AS 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actif_titre_adresse1_72, t0.actif_titre_adresse2 AS actif_titre_adresse2_73, t0.actif_titre_horaires1 AS actif_titre_horaires1_74, t0.actif_titre_horaires2 AS actif_titre_horaires2_75, t0.actif_reseaux_sociaux AS actif_reseaux_sociaux_76, t0.actif_bouton1 AS actif_bouton1_77, t0.position_bouton1 AS position_bouton1_78, t0.actif_bouton2 AS actif_bouton2_79, t0.position_bouton2 AS position_bouton2_80, t0.actif_bouton3 AS actif_bouton3_81, t0.position_bouton3 AS position_bouton3_82, t0.couleur_text_bouton1 AS couleur_text_bouton1_83, t0.couleur_text_bouton1_hover AS couleur_text_bouton1_hover_84, t0.bg_bouton1 AS bg_bouton1_85, t0.bg_bouton1_hover AS bg_bouton1_hover_86, t0.couleur_text_bouton2 AS couleur_text_bouton2_87, t0.couleur_text_bouton2_hover AS couleur_text_bouton2_hover_88, t0.bg_bouton2 AS bg_bouton2_89, t0.bg_bouton2_hover AS bg_bouton2_hover_90, t0.couleur_text_bouton3 AS couleur_text_bouton3_91, t0.couleur_text_bouton3_hover AS couleur_text_bouton3_hover_92, t0.bg_bouton3 AS bg_bouton3_93, t0.bg_bouton3_hover AS bg_bouton3_hover_94, t0.couleur_infos_header AS couleur_infos_header_95, t0.couleur_infos_header_hover AS couleur_infos_header_hover_96, t0.couleur_pictos_header AS couleur_pictos_header_97, t0.bg_infos_header AS bg_infos_header_98, t0.actif_logo_footer AS actif_logo_footer_99, t0.position_logo_footer AS position_logo_footer_100, t0.actif_pictos_info_footer AS actif_pictos_info_footer_101, t0.actif_tel_footer AS actif_tel_footer_102, t0.actif_email_footer AS actif_email_footer_103, t0.actif_adresse_footer AS actif_adresse_footer_104, t0.actif_horaires_footer AS actif_horaires_footer_105, t0.actif_titre_tel_footer AS actif_titre_tel_footer_106, t0.actif_titre_email_footer AS actif_titre_email_footer_107, t0.actif_titre_adresse_footer AS actif_titre_adresse_footer_108, t0.actif_titre_horaires_footer AS actif_titre_horaires_footer_109, t0.actif_reseaux_sociaux_footer AS actif_reseaux_sociaux_footer_110, t0.actif_bouton1_footer AS actif_bouton1_footer_111, t0.actif_codeqr_footer AS actif_codeqr_footer_112, t0.actif_texte_footer AS actif_texte_footer_113, t0.nbr_contacts_footer AS nbr_contacts_footer_114, t0.nbr_contacts_header AS nbr_contacts_header_115, t0.actif_logo_copyright AS actif_logo_copyright_116, t0.actif_date_copyright AS actif_date_copyright_117, t0.bg_color_top_footer AS bg_color_top_footer_118, t0.color_top_footer AS color_top_footer_119, t0.color_top_footer_hover AS color_top_footer_hover_120, t0.bg_color_sub_footer AS bg_color_sub_footer_121, t0.color_sub_footer AS color_sub_footer_122, t0.actif_recherche AS actif_recherche_123, t0.position_recherche AS position_recherche_124, t0.actif_panier AS actif_panier_125, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_126, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_127, t0.size_menu_burger AS size_menu_burger_128 FROM theme_options t0 WHERE t0.theme = ? LIMIT 1
0.10 ms (0.62%) |
3 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif AS actif_2, t0.bg_image AS bg_image_3, t0.position AS position_4, t0.color AS color_5, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_6, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_7, t0.bloc_service_id AS bloc_service_id_8 FROM bloc_service_items t0 WHERE t0.bloc_service_id = ?
0.10 ms (0.60%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.oscar_rocket AS oscar_rocket_2, t0.id_oscar_rocket AS id_oscar_rocket_3, t0.alias AS alias_4, t0.position AS position_5, t0.authorization_api AS authorization_api_6, t0.actif_home AS actif_home_7, t0.post_archive AS post_archive_8, t0.date_archive AS date_archive_9, t0.image AS image_10, t0.url_video AS url_video_11, t0.image_bandeau AS image_bandeau_12, t0.image_bandeau_height AS image_bandeau_height_13, t0.image_couverture AS image_couverture_14, t0.tag_managerhead AS tag_managerhead_15, t0.tag_managerbody AS tag_managerbody_16, t0.default_categorie AS default_categorie_17, t0.date_publication AS date_publication_18, t0.date_import AS date_import_19, t0.created_at AS created_at_20, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_21, t0.date_update_ref AS date_update_ref_22, t0.id_activite AS id_activite_23, t0.id_sous_activite AS id_sous_activite_24, t0.id_secteur AS id_secteur_25, t0.type_page_ref AS type_page_ref_26, t0.disponibilite_produit AS disponibilite_produit_27, t0.prix_produit AS prix_produit_28, t0.referance_produit AS referance_produit_29, t0.position_image AS position_image_30, t0.id_import_categorie_old AS id_import_categorie_old_31, t0.old_id_import AS old_id_import_32, t0.module_import AS module_import_33, t0.posts_associes AS posts_associes_34, t0.posts_associes_autres_types AS posts_associes_autres_types_35, t0.data_module_biens AS data_module_biens_36, t0.tags AS tags_37, t0.custom_style AS custom_style_38, t0.author_id AS author_id_39, t0.type_post AS type_post_40, t0.template_cms_id AS template_cms_id_41, t0.modele_gallerie_id AS modele_gallerie_id_42 FROM post t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
0.09 ms (0.55%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.nom_contact AS nom_contact_2, t0.titre_mail AS titre_mail_3, t0.titre_tel AS titre_tel_4, t0.titre_adresse AS titre_adresse_5, t0.titre_horaires AS titre_horaires_6, t0.texte_contact AS texte_contact_7, t0.horaires_contact AS horaires_contact_8, t0.email AS email_9, t0.tel AS tel_10, t0.horaire_lun AS horaire_lun_11, t0.horaire_mard AS horaire_mard_12, t0.horaire_merc AS horaire_merc_13, t0.horaire_jeu AS horaire_jeu_14, t0.horaire_vend AS horaire_vend_15, t0.horaire_sam AS horaire_sam_16, t0.horaire_dim AS horaire_dim_17, t0.locale AS locale_18, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_19 FROM contact_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.08 ms (0.52%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif_replace_mot_cle AS actif_replace_mot_cle_2, t0.actif_bar_serach AS actif_bar_serach_3, t0.actif_bloc AS actif_bloc_4, t0.actif_oscar AS actif_oscar_5, t0.actif_data_hrz AS actif_data_hrz_6, t0.actif_titre AS actif_titre_7, t0.email_site AS email_site_8, t0.image AS image_9, t0.lien_carte AS lien_carte_10, t0.apercu_image_lien AS apercu_image_lien_11, t0.image_header AS image_header_12, t0.image_footer AS image_footer_13, t0.image_bandeau AS image_bandeau_14, t0.tel AS tel_15, t0.image_vide AS image_vide_16, t0.maintenance AS maintenance_17, t0.htaccess_val AS htaccess_val_18, t0.meta_index AS meta_index_19, t0.meta_follow AS meta_follow_20, t0.robots AS robots_21, t0.analytics AS analytics_22, t0.cle_key AS cle_key_23, t0.cle_secret AS cle_secret_24, t0.tag_managerhead AS tag_managerhead_25, t0.meta_keywords AS meta_keywords_26, t0.cle_map AS cle_map_27, t0.active_smtp AS active_smtp_28, t0.email_from AS email_from_29, t0.email_sender AS email_sender_30, t0.host_smtp AS host_smtp_31, t0.type_cryptage AS type_cryptage_32, t0.port_tls AS port_tls_33, t0.port_ssl AS port_ssl_34, t0.smtp_user AS smtp_user_35, t0.smtp_pass AS smtp_pass_36, t0.typeLienErrorPage AS typeLienErrorPage_37, t0.lienExterneErrorPage AS lienExterneErrorPage_38, t0.telephoneErrorPage AS telephoneErrorPage_39, t0.domain_api_hrz AS domain_api_hrz_40, t0.token_api_hrz AS token_api_hrz_41, t0.actif_auth_gmail AS actif_auth_gmail_42, t0.id_client_auth AS id_client_auth_43, t0.secret_client_auth AS secret_client_auth_44, t0.id_matomo AS id_matomo_45, t0.code_head AS code_head_46, t0.code_body AS code_body_47, t0.google_verification AS google_verification_48, t0.type_recaptcha AS type_recaptcha_49, t0.actif_whatsapp AS actif_whatsapp_50, t0.tel_whatsapp AS tel_whatsapp_51, t0.header_color_whatsapp AS header_color_whatsapp_52, t0.generation_static_header_footer AS generation_static_header_footer_53, t0.IdSite AS IdSite_54 FROM parametre_site t0 ORDER BY t0.id ASC LIMIT 1
[] |
0.08 ms (0.49%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.local AS local_2, t0.data_form AS data_form_3, t0.data_form_muti_step AS data_form_muti_step_4, t0.form_id AS form_id_5 FROM forms_fields t0 WHERE t0.form_id = ? AND t0.local = ? LIMIT 1
[ 6 "fr" ] |
0.08 ms (0.47%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.success_message AS success_message_3, t0.titre_content AS titre_content_4, t0.texte_content AS texte_content_5, t0.locale AS locale_6, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_7 FROM forms_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.08 ms (0.47%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif_slider AS actif_slider_2, t0.position_text AS position_text_3, t0.nombre_article AS nombre_article_4, t0.modules AS modules_5, t0.id_module AS id_module_6, t0.all_article AS all_article_7, t0.nb_post AS nb_post_8, t0.bg_color AS bg_color_9, t0.bg_image AS bg_image_10, t0.widget_model_id AS widget_model_id_11, t0.option_affichage AS option_affichage_12, t0.singel_post AS singel_post_13, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_14, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_15, t0.typelien AS typelien_16, t0.lien_externe AS lien_externe_17, t0.telephone AS telephone_18, t0.multi_affichage AS multi_affichage_19, t0.alias AS alias_20, t0.IdSite AS IdSite_21, t0.TypePost AS TypePost_22, t0.singel_post_id AS singel_post_id_23, t0.IdPostAffichage AS IdPostAffichage_24 FROM widget t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
0.07 ms (0.45%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.content AS content_3, t0.titre_lien AS titre_lien_4, t0.type_lien AS type_lien_5, t0.lien_interne AS lien_interne_6, t0.lien_externe AS lien_externe_7, t0.telephone AS telephone_8, t0.locale AS locale_9, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_10 FROM bloc_service_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.07 ms (0.41%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif AS actif_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.subTitle AS subTitle_4, t0.description AS description_5, t0.link AS link_6, t0.button_label AS button_label_7, t0.lieninterne AS lieninterne_8, t0.locale AS locale_9, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_10 FROM widget_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.06 ms (0.39%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.titre AS titre_2, t0.twig AS twig_3, t0.type AS type_4, t0.image AS image_5, t0.dateCreation AS dateCreation_6, t0.dateModification AS dateModification_7 FROM model_gallerie t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
0.06 ms (0.39%) |
1 |
SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.actif AS actif_1, p0_.actif_desktop AS actif_desktop_2, p0_.actif_mobile AS actif_mobile_3, p0_.type_bloc AS type_bloc_4, p0_.id_bloc_service AS id_bloc_service_5, p0_.type_post AS type_post_6, p0_.position AS position_7, p0_.affichage_bloc AS affichage_bloc_8, p0_.image AS image_9, p0_.bg_color AS bg_color_10, p0_.video_url AS video_url_11, p0_.position_text AS position_text_12, p0_.grid_carousel AS grid_carousel_13, p0_.model_affichage_galeries AS model_affichage_galeries_14, p0_.ids_images_galeries AS ids_images_galeries_15, p0_.DateCreation AS DateCreation_16, p0_.DateModification AS DateModification_17, p0_.is_deleted AS is_deleted_18, p0_.IdMedia AS IdMedia_19, p0_.IdForms AS IdForms_20, p0_.IdPost AS IdPost_21, p0_.IdWidget AS IdWidget_22 FROM post_bloc p0_ INNER JOIN post p1_ ON p0_.IdPost = p1_.id WHERE p1_.id = ? AND (p0_.is_deleted IS NULL OR p0_.is_deleted = ?) ORDER BY p0_.position ASC
[ 39 0 ] |
0.06 ms (0.38%) |
2 |
SELECT l0_.id AS id_0, l0_.active AS active_1, l0_.name AS name_2, l0_.language_code AS language_code_3, l0_.flag AS flag_4, l0_.created_at AS created_at_5, l0_.updated_at AS updated_at_6 FROM language l0_ WHERE l0_.active = 1 ORDER BY l0_.id ASC
[] |
0.06 ms (0.37%) |
2 |
[] |
0.06 ms (0.37%) |
1 |
SELECT m0_.id AS id_0, m0_.DateCreation AS DateCreation_1, m0_.DateModification AS DateModification_2, m0_.type_post AS type_post_3, m0_.id_activite AS id_activite_4, m0_.id_secteur AS id_secteur_5, m0_.Parent AS Parent_6, m0_.Position AS Position_7, m0_.Nofollow AS Nofollow_8, m0_.icone AS icone_9, m0_.icone_hover AS icone_hover_10, m0_.Id_menu AS Id_menu_11, m0_.IdTypePost AS IdTypePost_12, m0_.IdCategory AS IdCategory_13, m0_.IdSousCategory AS IdSousCategory_14, m0_.IdSousSousCategory AS IdSousSousCategory_15, m0_.IdPost AS IdPost_16 FROM menu m0_ INNER JOIN menu_translation m1_ ON m0_.id = m1_.translatable_id WHERE m0_.Id_menu = ? AND m1_.actif = 1 AND m1_.locale = ? ORDER BY m0_.Position ASC
[ 2 "fr" ] |
0.06 ms (0.34%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif_replace_mot_cle AS actif_replace_mot_cle_2, t0.actif_bar_serach AS actif_bar_serach_3, t0.actif_bloc AS actif_bloc_4, t0.actif_oscar AS actif_oscar_5, t0.actif_data_hrz AS actif_data_hrz_6, t0.actif_titre AS actif_titre_7, t0.email_site AS email_site_8, t0.image AS image_9, t0.lien_carte AS lien_carte_10, t0.apercu_image_lien AS apercu_image_lien_11, t0.image_header AS image_header_12, t0.image_footer AS image_footer_13, t0.image_bandeau AS image_bandeau_14, t0.tel AS tel_15, t0.image_vide AS image_vide_16, t0.maintenance AS maintenance_17, t0.htaccess_val AS htaccess_val_18, t0.meta_index AS meta_index_19, t0.meta_follow AS meta_follow_20, t0.robots AS robots_21, t0.analytics AS analytics_22, t0.cle_key AS cle_key_23, t0.cle_secret AS cle_secret_24, t0.tag_managerhead AS tag_managerhead_25, t0.meta_keywords AS meta_keywords_26, t0.cle_map AS cle_map_27, t0.active_smtp AS active_smtp_28, t0.email_from AS email_from_29, t0.email_sender AS email_sender_30, t0.host_smtp AS host_smtp_31, t0.type_cryptage AS type_cryptage_32, t0.port_tls AS port_tls_33, t0.port_ssl AS port_ssl_34, t0.smtp_user AS smtp_user_35, t0.smtp_pass AS smtp_pass_36, t0.typeLienErrorPage AS typeLienErrorPage_37, t0.lienExterneErrorPage AS lienExterneErrorPage_38, t0.telephoneErrorPage AS telephoneErrorPage_39, t0.domain_api_hrz AS domain_api_hrz_40, t0.token_api_hrz AS token_api_hrz_41, t0.actif_auth_gmail AS actif_auth_gmail_42, t0.id_client_auth AS id_client_auth_43, t0.secret_client_auth AS secret_client_auth_44, t0.id_matomo AS id_matomo_45, t0.code_head AS code_head_46, t0.code_body AS code_body_47, t0.google_verification AS google_verification_48, t0.type_recaptcha AS type_recaptcha_49, t0.actif_whatsapp AS actif_whatsapp_50, t0.tel_whatsapp AS tel_whatsapp_51, t0.header_color_whatsapp AS header_color_whatsapp_52, t0.generation_static_header_footer AS generation_static_header_footer_53, t0.IdSite AS IdSite_54 FROM parametre_site t0 ORDER BY t0.id DESC LIMIT 1
[] |
0.05 ms (0.30%) |
1 |
SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.adresse AS adresse_1, c0_.code_postal AS code_postal_2, c0_.ville AS ville_3, c0_.region AS region_4, c0_.pays AS pays_5, c0_.latitude AS latitude_6, c0_.longitude AS longitude_7, c0_.lien_map AS lien_map_8, c0_.created_at AS created_at_9, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_10, c0_.actif AS actif_11, c0_.actif_horaire_contact AS actif_horaire_contact_12, c0_.actif_horaire_complete AS actif_horaire_complete_13, c0_.actif_coordonnees_contact AS actif_coordonnees_contact_14, c0_.type_lien AS type_lien_15, c0_.lien_interne AS lien_interne_16, c0_.lien_externe AS lien_externe_17, c0_.telephone AS telephone_18 FROM contact c0_ WHERE c0_.actif = 1 ORDER BY c0_.id ASC
[] |
0.05 ms (0.29%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif AS actif_2, t0.image AS image_3, t0.url_video AS url_video_4, t0.type_media AS type_media_5 FROM popup t0 ORDER BY t0.id ASC LIMIT 1
[] |
0.04 ms (0.27%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.location AS location_2, t0.path AS path_3, t0.fileName AS fileName_4, t0.image_cropped AS image_cropped_5, t0.type AS type_6, t0.type_media_post AS type_media_post_7, t0.position AS position_8, t0.module AS module_9, t0.module_id AS module_id_10, t0.lien_externe AS lien_externe_11, t0.media_import AS media_import_12, t0.module_biens_image_traite AS module_biens_image_traite_13, t0.original_path_module_biens AS original_path_module_biens_14, t0.width AS width_15, t0.height AS height_16, t0.filesize AS filesize_17, t0.crop_width AS crop_width_18, t0.crop_height AS crop_height_19, t0.crop_x AS crop_x_20, t0.crop_y AS crop_y_21, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_22, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_23 FROM media_cms t0 WHERE t0.module = ? AND t0.module_id = ? ORDER BY t0.position ASC
[ "Cms" 39 ] |
0.04 ms (0.26%) |
1 |
SELECT d0_.id AS id_0, d0_.actif AS actif_1, d0_.actif_desktop AS actif_desktop_2, d0_.actif_mobile AS actif_mobile_3, d0_.position AS position_4, d0_.image AS image_5, d0_.bg_color AS bg_color_6, d0_.video_url AS video_url_7, d0_.position_text AS position_text_8, d0_.id_bloc_service AS id_bloc_service_9, d0_.type_bloc AS type_bloc_10, d0_.GroupBloc AS GroupBloc_11, d0_.grid_carousel AS grid_carousel_12, d0_.model_affichage_galeries AS model_affichage_galeries_13, d0_.ids_images_galeries AS ids_images_galeries_14, d0_.affichage_bloc AS affichage_bloc_15, d0_.is_deleted AS is_deleted_16, d0_.DateCreation AS DateCreation_17, d0_.DateModification AS DateModification_18, d0_.IdMedia AS IdMedia_19, d0_.IdForms AS IdForms_20, d0_.IdWidget AS IdWidget_21 FROM default_bloc d0_ WHERE d0_.actif = 1 AND (d0_.is_deleted IS NULL OR d0_.is_deleted = ?) ORDER BY d0_.position ASC
0.04 ms (0.26%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_2, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_3, t0.IdSite AS IdSite_4, t0.create_index AS create_index_5, t0.filter_categorie AS filter_categorie_6, t0.posts_associes_autres_types AS posts_associes_autres_types_7, t0.position AS position_8, t0.icon AS icon_9, t0.categorie_niveau AS categorie_niveau_10 FROM post_type t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
0.04 ms (0.25%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.folder_media AS folder_media_2, t0.position AS position_3, t0.actif AS actif_4, t0.afficher_home AS afficher_home_5, t0.image AS image_6, t0.folder_image AS folder_image_7, t0.tag_managerhead AS tag_managerhead_8, t0.tag_managerbody AS tag_managerbody_9, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_10, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_11 FROM activites t0 WHERE t0.actif = ? AND t0.afficher_home = ?
[ 1 1 ] |
0.04 ms (0.25%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.system_name AS system_name_3, t0.enable_seo_blocks AS enable_seo_blocks_4, t0.enable_menu_link AS enable_menu_link_5, t0.categorie AS categorie_6, t0.locale AS locale_7, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_8 FROM post_type_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.04 ms (0.25%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif AS actif_2, t0.alias AS alias_3, t0.lien_param_ref AS lien_param_ref_4, t0.nombre_jour_generer AS nombre_jour_generer_5, t0.image_bandeau AS image_bandeau_6, t0.nb_secteur AS nb_secteur_7, t0.nb_activite AS nb_activite_8, t0.nb_maillage_secteur AS nb_maillage_secteur_9, t0.nb_maillage_activite AS nb_maillage_activite_10 FROM parametre_ref t0 WHERE t0.alias = ? LIMIT 1
0.04 ms (0.25%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif_content AS actif_content_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.content AS content_4, t0.content2 AS content2_5, t0.template AS template_6, t0.link AS link_7, t0.traduite AS traduite_8, t0.titre_image AS titre_image_9, t0.titre_lien AS titre_lien_10, t0.type_lien AS type_lien_11, t0.lien_interne AS lien_interne_12, t0.lien_externe AS lien_externe_13, t0.telephone AS telephone_14, t0.locale AS locale_15, t0.export_traductions_id AS export_traductions_id_16, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_17 FROM post_bloc_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.04 ms (0.24%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif AS actif_2, t0.type AS type_3, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_4, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_5, t0.IdSite AS IdSite_6 FROM liste_menu t0 WHERE t0.type = ? AND t0.IdSite = ? LIMIT 1
[ "Header-right" "1" ] |
0.04 ms (0.23%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.Titre AS Titre_2, t0.slogan AS slogan_3, t0.referencement_site AS referencement_site_4, t0.context_entreprise AS context_entreprise_5, t0.caption_cms AS caption_cms_6, t0.slug_url AS slug_url_7, t0.copyright_site AS copyright_site_8, t0.meta_title AS meta_title_9, t0.meta_description AS meta_description_10, t0.meta_keywords AS meta_keywords_11, t0.titreErrorPage AS titreErrorPage_12, t0.texteErrorPage AS texteErrorPage_13, t0.titreLienErrorPage AS titreLienErrorPage_14, t0.lienInterneErrorPage AS lienInterneErrorPage_15, t0.titreArticleAssocier AS titreArticleAssocier_16, t0.message_whatsapp AS message_whatsapp_17, t0.titre_whatsapp AS titre_whatsapp_18, t0.titre_bouton_whatsapp AS titre_bouton_whatsapp_19, t0.locale AS locale_20, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_21 FROM parametre_site_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.04 ms (0.23%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.active AS active_2, t0.label AS label_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.icon_svg AS icon_svg_5, t0.css AS css_6, t0.twig AS twig_7, t0.icon AS icon_8, t0.type_affichage_home AS type_affichage_home_9, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_10, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_11, t0.IdSite AS IdSite_12 FROM post_affichage t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
0.04 ms (0.22%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.actif_content AS actif_content_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.content AS content_4, t0.content2 AS content2_5, t0.template AS template_6, t0.link AS link_7, t0.titre_lien AS titre_lien_8, t0.type_lien AS type_lien_9, t0.lien_interne AS lien_interne_10, t0.lien_externe AS lien_externe_11, t0.telephone AS telephone_12, t0.titre_image AS titre_image_13, t0.locale AS locale_14, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_15 FROM default_bloc_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
0.04 ms (0.22%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.type AS type_2, t0.titre AS titre_3, t0.url AS url_4, t0.IdSite AS IdSite_5 FROM reseau_sociaux t0 WHERE t0.IdSite = ?
0.03 ms (0.21%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.order_by AS order_by_2, t0.actif AS actif_3, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_4, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_5 FROM parametre_label t0
[] |
0.03 ms (0.19%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.mot_metas AS mot_metas_2, t0.module_metas AS module_metas_3, t0.correspondant_metas AS correspondant_metas_4, t0.DateCreation AS DateCreation_5, t0.DateModification AS DateModification_6 FROM metas_cles t0
[] |
0.03 ms (0.18%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.titre AS titre_2, t0.text AS text_3, t0.locale AS locale_4, t0.translatable_id AS translatable_id_5 FROM param_publicite_translation t0 WHERE t0.translatable_id = ?
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\User | No errors. |
App\Entity\Redirection | No errors. |
App\Entity\Site | No errors. |
App\Entity\Post | No errors. |
App\Entity\PostTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\TypePost | No errors. |
App\Entity\CmsAffichage | No errors. |
App\Entity\ModelGallerie | No errors. |
App\Entity\PostCategory | No errors. |
App\Entity\Menu | No errors. |
App\Entity\Widget | No errors. |
App\Entity\CpPostField | No errors. |
App\Entity\PostBloc | No errors. |
App\Entity\ProduitsInfo | No errors. |
App\Entity\Popup | No errors. |
App\Entity\PopupTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\MediaCms | No errors. |
App\Entity\ParametrePost | No errors. |
App\Entity\Category | No errors. |
App\Entity\TypePostTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\MediaGallery | No errors. |
App\Entity\Forms | No errors. |
App\Entity\PostBlocTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\BlocService | No errors. |
App\Entity\PostAffichage | No errors. |
App\Entity\BlocServiceItems | No errors. |
App\Entity\BlocServiceTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\Activites | No errors. |
App\Entity\ParametreSite | No errors. |
App\Entity\ParametreSiteTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\ParametreRef | No errors. |
App\Entity\ParametreRefTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\DefaultBloc | No errors. |
App\Entity\CategoryBloc | No errors. |
App\Entity\WidgetTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\UrlPost | No errors. |
App\Entity\Language | No errors. |
App\Entity\UrlPostTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\FormsFields | No errors. |
App\Entity\FormsData | No errors. |
App\Entity\FormsTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\ExportTraductions | No errors. |
App\Entity\ParametreLabel | No errors. |
App\Entity\ParametreLabelTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\MetasCles | No errors. |
App\Entity\ThemeOptions | No errors. |
App\Entity\ListeMenu | No errors. |
App\Entity\ListeMenuTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\Contact | No errors. |
App\Entity\ContactTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\ReseauSociaux | No errors. |
App\Entity\MenuTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\CategoryTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\ParamPublicite | No errors. |
App\Entity\ParamPubliciteTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\BlocServiceItemsTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\TextParametrable | No errors. |
App\Entity\Email | No errors. |
App\Entity\Media | No errors. |
App\Entity\ModulesCookies | No errors. |
App\Entity\CpField | No errors. |
App\Entity\ProduitsInfoTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\MediaCmsTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\ParametrePostTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\MediaGalleryTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\UrlRef | No errors. |
App\Entity\ActivitesTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\DefaultBlocTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\CategoryBlocTranslation | No errors. |