{% extends "front/"~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~"/base.html.twig" %}
{% block preload %}
{% if categorie.image is defined and categorie.image is not empty %}
<link rel="preload" as="image" href="{{asset_image(categorie.image)}}" />
{% endif %}
{% if resultats is defined and resultats is not empty %}
{% for item in resultats %}
{% if item.image %}
<link rel="preload" as="image" href="{{asset_image(item.image)}}" />
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if galleries is defined and galleries is not empty %}
{% for item in galleries %}
{% if item.path is defined %}
<link rel="preload" as="image" href="{{asset_image_gallery(item.path)}}" />
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block stylesheets %}
{% if modele_galerie[0].type == 4 %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{asset('templates/front/theme1/assets/plugins/flexslider/flexslider.css')}}" media="screen" >
{% endif %}
{% if modele_galerie[0].type == 10 %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{asset('templates/front/theme1/assets/plugins/pana-accordion-master/accordion.css')}}" media="screen" >
{% endif %}
{% if template.css is defined %}
{% endif %}
{% if custom_style is defined and custom_style is not empty %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<div class="page_product">
{% if categorie.positiontext == 3 %}
{% set position_texte = "text-left" %}
{% elseif categorie.positiontext == 2 %}
{% set position_texte = "text-right" %}
{% else %}
{% set position_texte = "text-center" %}
{% endif %}
{% set type_affiche = "" %}
{% if categorie.nombrearticle == 1 %}
{% set type_affiche = "type_affiche1" %}
{% elseif categorie.nombrearticle == 2 %}
{% set type_affiche = "type_affiche2" %}
{% else %}
{% set type_affiche = "type_affiche3" %}
{% endif %}
{% if categorie.actif_slider == 1 %}
{% set type_affiche = type_affiche ~ " owl-carousel" %}
{% endif %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage1" %}
{% if categorie.multi_affichage == 1 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage1" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 2 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage2" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 3 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage3" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 4 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage4" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 5 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage5" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 6 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage6" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 7 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage7" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 8 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage8" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 9 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage9" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 10 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage10" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 11 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage11" %}
{% elseif categorie.multi_affichage == 12 %}
{% set multi_affichage = "affichage12" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="page_cms">
{% if categorie.imageBandeau %}
{% set imagebandeau = asset_image(categorie.imageBandeau,'medium',['files1920','files1920','files1200']) %}
{% elseif parametre.imageBandeau %}
{% set imagebandeau = asset('uploads/images/' ~ parametre.imageBandeau) %}
{% else %}
{% set imagebandeau = '' %}
{% endif %}
<div class="{{imagebandeau != ''?'image-bandeau':'mt-5'}} text-center">
{% if imagebandeau != '' %}
<img class="lazyload" alt="{{categorie.altimagebandeau is not empty ? categorie.altimagebandeau : categorie.titrecategorie}}" title="{{categorie.altimagebandeau is not empty ? categorie.altimagebandeau : categorie.titrecategorie}}" src="{{imagebandeau}}" />
{% endif %}
<div class="cnt-bandeau text-center">
<div class="breadcrumb-style-default">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<div class="inner text-center">
{% if breadcrumb is defined and breadcrumb is not empty %}
{{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/partials/breadcrumb.html.twig')}}
<h1 class="page-title">{{breadcrumb|last.name}}</h1>
{% endif %}
{% if coordonnes_maps is defined and coordonnes_maps is not empty %}
{{ include('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/bloc/bloc_maps.html.twig',{
bloc: coordonnes_maps,
}, with_context = false)}}
{% endif %}
<div class="container-fluid mt-3">
<div class="row gx-5 py-2 align-items-start">
{% if categories_tree is defined and categories_tree is not empty %}
<div class="col-lg-3 {{show_filter_categorie is defined and show_filter_categorie == true?'':'d-none'}}" >
{{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/partials/product/_sidebar.html.twig')}}
{% endif %}
<div class="col-lg-{{show_filter_categorie is defined and show_filter_categorie == true?'9':'12'}} bloc-content-categorie {{categorie.actif_haut == false and categorie.textecategorie is not empty ? "d-flex flex-column-reverse"}}">
{% if categorie.image is defined and categorie.image is not empty %}
<div class="col-md-12 my-3">
<img class="img-fluid d-block m-auto" src="{{asset_image(categorie.image)}}" alt="{{categorie.altimage is not empty ? categorie.altimage : categorie.titrecategorie}}" width="400" />
{% endif %}
{% if categorie.textecategorie is not empty and categorie.textecategorie != "" or categorie.typelien != 1 %}
<div class="list_blocs {{position_texte}}">
<div class="col-lg-12 content_post">
<div class="texte-content">{{categorie.textecategorie|raw}}</div>
{% if categorie.typelien != 1 %}
{% if categorie.typelien == '4' %}
<div class="text-center py-2 bouton-categorie">
<a href="tel:{{categorie.telephone}}" class="btn btn-back-pulse">{{categorie.titrelien}}</a>
{% elseif categorie.typelien == '2' %}
<div class="text-center py-2 bouton-categorie">
<a href="{{slug_link_interne(categorie.lieninterne)}}" class="btn btn-back-pulse">{{categorie.titrelien}}</a>
{% elseif categorie.typelien == '3' %}
<div class="text-center py-2 bouton-categorie">
<a href="{{categorie.lienexterne}}" class="btn btn-back-pulse" target="_blank">{{categorie.titrelien}}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="blocs">
{% if param_post is defined and param_post.actiftags is defined and param_post.actiftags and param_post.showcategories == 0 and categorie.tags %}
<div class="filtre-produits d-flex justify-content-end">
<div class="filtre_tags">
<label class="label">Filtrer par tag : </label>
<select class="form-control" id="filtre-tags">
<option value="all">Tous</option>
{% for tag in categorie.tags|split(',') %}
<option value="{{tag|lower|replace({' ':''})}}">{{tag}}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if template is defined and template is not empty %}
{{ include(template_from_string(template.twig)) }}
{% endif %}
{% if pagination == true and posts.hasToPaginate and posts.pageSize %}
<div class="pagination-items">
{% set paginator = posts %}
<div class="navigation text-center">
<ul class="pagination d-felx justify-content-center my-4">
{% if paginator.hasPreviousPage %}
<li class="prev mx-1"><a href="{{ path('page', {slug:categorie.slugurl}) }}?page={{paginator.previousPage}}" rel="previous"><i class="fa fw fa-long-arrow-left"></i> {{ 'paginator.previous'|trans([],'variable') }}</a></li>
{% else %}
<li class="prev disabled mx-1"><span><i class="fa fw fa-long-arrow-left"></i> {{ 'paginator.previous'|trans([],'variable') }}</span></li>
{% endif %}
{% if paginator and paginator.pageSize %}
{% for i in 1..paginator.lastPage %}
{% if i == paginator.currentPage %}
<li class="active number mx-1"><span>{{ i }} </span></li>
{% else %}
<li class="number mx-1"><a href="{{ path('page', {slug:categorie.slugurl }) }}?page={{i}}">{{ i }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if paginator and paginator.pageSize %}
{% if paginator.hasNextPage %}
<li class="next mx-1"><a href="{{ path('page', {slug:categorie.slugurl}) }}?page={{paginator.nextPage}}" rel="next">{{ 'paginator.next'|trans([],'variable') }} <i class="fa fw fa-long-arrow-right"></i></a></li>
{% else %}
<li class="next disabled mx-1"><span>{{ 'paginator.next'|trans([],'variable')}} <i class="fa fw fa-long-arrow-right"></i></span></li>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if galleries and galleries is not empty and template_model_gallerie is defined and template_model_gallerie is not empty %}
{{ include(template_from_string(template_model_gallerie)) }}
{% endif %}
{% if categorie.urlvideo is not empty %}
<div class="container-fluid wrapper mt-3">
<div class="col-md-12 mt-1">
<div class="video">
{% set id_video_externe = categorie.urlvideo|extract_v %}
<a class="video-thumbnail m-0" href="{{categorie.urlvideo}}" data-fancybox="video">
<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/{{id_video_externe}}/maxresdefault.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""/>
{% endif %}
{% if blocs is defined %}
{% for bloc in blocs.Bloc %}
{% if is_mobile() and bloc.mobile == true %}
{{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/bloc/bloc.html.twig',{
bloc: bloc,
}, with_context = false)}}
{% endif %}
{% if is_full_view() and is_mobile() == false and bloc.desktop == true %}
{{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/bloc/bloc.html.twig',{
bloc: bloc,
}, with_context = false)}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
{% if modele_galerie[0].type == 4 %}
<script src="{{asset('templates/front/theme1/assets/plugins/flexslider/jquery.flexslider.js')}}" ></script>
/* = Sx flexslider
if ($(".sx_flexslider").length) {
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false,
itemWidth: 150,
asNavFor: '.flex-slider'
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false,
sync: ".flex-carousel"
{% endif %}
{% if modele_galerie[0].type == 10 %}
<script src="{{asset('templates/front/theme1/assets/plugins/pana-accordion-master/pana-accordion.js')}}" ></script>
if ($(window).width() > 767){
id: 'accordion',
expandWidth: $(window).width() - (($(window).width() / 4) * 2),
itemWidth: $(window).width() / 4,
if(window.innerWidth < 992){
var prk_panel_event="click";
} else {
var prk_panel_event="hover";
if(window.innerWidth >= 991){
/* Height de bloc_header_bottom */
var pos = 62;
$( "#sx-accordion .panel-counter" ).each(function() {
$(this).css({ top: pos });
pos = pos + 153;
if ( $( "#sx-accordion" ).length ) {
var headerH = $('header').outerHeight();
var heightHead = headerH+'px';
var heightcarousel = 'calc(100vh - '+heightHead+')';
height: heightcarousel,
shadow: true,
closePanelsOnMouseOut: true,
//mouseWheelTarget: 'page',
mouseWheel: false,
panelOpenComplete: function(event) {
panelClick: function(event) {
breakpoints: {
767: {
height: 508,
orientation: 'vertical',
touchSwipe: false
{% endif %}
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#filtre-tags').on('change', function() {
var selectedTag = $(this).val();
if (selectedTag === 'all') {
$('.article').show(); // Afficher tous les articles
} else {
$('.article').hide(); // Cacher tous les articles
$('.article').each(function() {
var articleTags = $(this).data('tags').split(' ');
if (articleTags.indexOf(selectedTag) !== -1) {
$(this).show(); // Afficher les articles avec le tag sélectionné
{% endblock %}